Lisa Abramson

Nashville, TN, San Francisco Bay Area and Worldwide

Executive Coach and Author of Permission to Fail: The Overachiever’s Guide to Becoming Unstoppable

Hi, I’m Lisa. I help clients let go of self-doubt and build inner resources so they can shine.

Clients often say they feel lighter after our sessions. Whether it’s through an unexpected exercise, a guided meditation or deep inquiry, clients leave sessions with a new and expanded perspective on whatever they are dealing with.

Although we’ll have lots of fun together, I don’t pass over the hard stuff. I know how the manure of our challenges provides fertile soil to help us grow. Together, we’ll create a safe space to help you figure out what you really want, so you can move towards that vision for your life.

I’ll also help you develop the resilient mindset you need to not only survive, but thrive. So you’ll have the ability to keep going even when you’re feeling uncomfortable, stuck, anxious, overwhelmed or stressed which happens on this journey that is life.

Sound like something that could help you? Let’s connect for a free 20 minute strategy session:

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Darcy Corcoran

Restoring Resourcefulness Coach

Career Transformation Coach for Veterans and Gen X Women

Supporting: Clients in the US & UK

“I support  Military veterans and Gen X women making their next best move in finding and doing a career they love! As a former Soldier, I understand the challenges of finding a culture fit, claiming passion and making it happen, and learning new tools to communicate effectively in the next great role! My passion is collaborating through the discovery process and helping others realize and release what no longer serves them while updating their tools to show up in integrity and as the best version of themselves for whatever comes next.

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Nickie Golden

Leadership and Transformation Graduate

Wilmington, NC

  • (808) 389-6715

I met Kathlyn & Gay Hendricks in 2006 and immediately began integrating their teaching into my work with clients and watched people’s lives change. The skills I teach invite individuals to own and embrace the wholeness that is already within them. In doing so we allow the layers of whatever is obstructing wholeness to dissolve away revealing essence. I love to be with people in a way that provides a “felt sense” of what it means to be present. As we have the experience of presence while we are moving through what ever we are feeling, we can begin to call forth that presence from within ourselves. I love playing, laughing and having fun while learning. In my work with clients we ride the waves of whatever is emerging in a playful loving manner to call forth essence and to step in to responding to life consciously. I am available in person, skype or phone.

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Elena Gournelos

SIlver Spring, MD, Tampa, FL, and everywhere via Zoom!

  • 240-381-7262

Healing and unleashing your vitality for a joyful and abundant life

Join me on an adventure of inner exploration and discovery! Let’s release self-limiting beliefs and heal old wounds as we uncover and reconnect to the most valuable treasure on Earth – your own unique essence – your spirit, vitality, wholeness and joy.  I am a hands-on myofascial release therapist and somatic life coach, and I support deep healing from stress, trauma, emotional/physical pain and/or illness. I will safely hold space and support you as you go as deep and as far as you want to go. Together we uncover and heal the layers, making space for your true self to shine through and thrive. We clear the path for joy and abundance – for becoming whole again.  My clients often feel a significant shift after just a few sessions and a deeply transformational shift in five to ten sessions. I have a flexible, organic approach to healing, and I encourage my clients to love and embrace their authentic selves, moving at their own pace.

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Rhonda Mills

Leadership and Transformation GraduateRestoring Resourcefulness Coach

Transformation Playground Guide

Rhonda is a joyous being who explores what’s deeply essential and shares in service of compassionate connection, collaboration, and emergent creativity.  Her trauma-informed work opens a space of freedom and discovery.  

Rhonda’s certifications include Transformational Leadership, Nonviolent Communication, NARM-Informed Professional (Neuro-Affective Model for working with Complex Trauma), ParaYoga Level 2, and Embodied Social Justice (50 hour), as well as advanced studies in meditation, subtle competencies, and embodied movement.  She has been a practitioner in Thomas Hübl’s courses since 2018, and began co-facilitating Global Social Witnessing in 2021.

For more than two decades, Rhonda has synthesized multiple approaches to vertical and horizontal development and embodied integration.   She coaches individuals and couples via zoom, facilitates groups, and works with organizations.  

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Dawn Scott

Restoring Resourcefulness Coach

Ruckersville, Virginia, USA and Virtually as Well

  • 540-718-4613

The Nature of Essence Coaching

My greatest joy is to share with others what I have learned thus far in my life. To truly thrive instead of survive. Through the Hendricks materials, I have found my essence and I am a change-maker of this world. I am a channel for growth, if you are willing to go on this adventure with me.

My genius qualities are using movement processes to focus on stuck sensations and feelings/thoughts in your body. My abilities are to guide clients through an experience of their own personal growth while providing a safe environment and feeling heard.

Through these activities, my clients are taught the tools and resources to build foundations upon which to further discover their purpose, joy, and essence.

Client Statements:

“I have learned how to be a more whole hearted person which has significantly increased my ability to have meaningful connections with others.”

“She exudes a sincere desire to follow a process through to its completion and her 100% commitment to the facilitation of this material.”

“She opens a space for feeling, reflection, and communication.”

“I always leave with actionable items.”


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Jannah Welcome

Restoring Resourcefulness Coach

Ladies, Let's Join Forces! Life Coach & Mentor for Women

Get the cheat codes to win in life and relationships.

This private program is for women who understand that massive up-levels require massive clarity, accountability, and consistency. You, leader, know this and are ready to take action! My ability to see where you are and what’s needed to get you to where you desire is like no other. Because of this, my clients give me permission to use my spiritual gifts, divine wisdom, and unique training to create an experience tailored just for them.

This activates my clients to take massive action that catapults them into a totally different reality…

They start showing up more powerfully in their roles as leaders, from a place of peace rather than angst, all while exponentially increasing their income.

Now is the time for women like you to step up and raise the standard of living for those that will come after us. The world is yearning for your zone of genius and stands waiting for you to step even deeper into your purpose and power!

Let’s join forces!

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Yancy Wright

Seattle, WA and Rio Grande, Puerto Rico

  • +1 (787) 510-6701

Transformation and Leadership Coach

I am a visionary coach with an ability to take individuals, and teams into realms they never thought were possible. My passion is to help transform people’s lives through leadership coaching, nature-inspired wellness retreats, and teambuilding workshops. In 2013 I experienced a career burn-out as a leader in the green building industry and began transforming my own life. I have learned and continue learning a lot through my process and enjoy sharing my knowledge with current and future leaders. By bridging the gap between corporate sustainability and people sustainability I enjoy focusing on what matters most, conscious leadership. If you are an individual or organization looking for ways to create a culture of wellbeing, enhance team dynamics, or simply expand on your own as a leader, I would be happy to talk with you.

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