Anna McGrath
San Francisco, CA 94044
- Phone: (650) 355-1249
- Mobile: (415) 699 6319
Chief Authenticity Officer & WonderWorker
Anna has worked in corporations for the past 20 plus years. She launched her own consulting company in 2003 called WonderWorks Consulting. Her vision: to support employees, leaders, boards and organizations in becoming “WonderWorkers” doing the work they are individually and collectively here to do. She and her partner in WonderWorks are passionately mission driven supporting big ideas to become reality.
WonderWorks specializes in Founder, Partner, Oragnizational consulting with a focus on:
- Leadership Development for WonderWorkers
- Strategic Planning
- Succession Management Consulting
She volunteers her time with the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream initiative a non profit organization who’s mission is changing the dream of the North – from consumerism to creating; an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just human presence on the planet as the guiding principle of our time.